Love of art

Laura Soler Turull is a designer with a creative view from two cities – Barcelona and London. She talks muses, micro poems, and the London embrace of change.

Tell us about your background

People always thought I was going to do something related with literature or art history. But I ended up studying graphic design in Barcelona, and a masters in Book Arts in Camberwell, London. I love to learn from the arts, but what I love the most is the process of creating.  Since then, I´ve been participating in Book Arts fairs, making all my books, as well as working in fashion and advertising on the side. In the process of creating, you reach a feeling of happiness that’s difficult to get in any other activities.

Who or what is your muse, and why?

I am a big fan of Sophie Calle, and Tracey Emin. Both women taking advantage of their life experiences to create art pieces. The muses I use for my pictures are usually my female friends. I see beauty in the female body. All the objects that surround me can be my muses too.

What has been your biggest challenge to date, and what did you learn from it?

After three years in London, I had the urge to go back to Barcelona with my family. The problem? Spain´s economic crisis. The big challenge was to find a good job in Barcelona, or at least a job that I would like. After battling a lot, I finally found a job in a creative agency in advertising.  That was one of my dreams, and I had to go through some tough periods to get it. I am pretty happy now.

What does ‘creativity’ mean to you, and how do you incorporate it into your everyday life?

Creativity is something that we carry inside, and that we can use or do not. Creativity is the need for self expression, using any tool. We can be creative in any field, it’s a matter of using your mind and body to create new things. In my daily life, I always carry a little notebook in which I write micro poems wherever I am – it doesn’t matter if you are on the tube or waiting for a dentist appointment.

What’s your proudest achievement?

My proudest achievement will be the book for children we are now making for Tate Publishing. If that gets published and I am happy with the result, that will be my proudest achievement!

Are there different principles for creative thinking in the UK and Spain?

Oh yes! The UK is usually more open minded to new things, to new forms of art. There is a tradition of accepting the new. As for Spain, we are more linked to the past, and whatever is new scares us.

Although we have a good background of colourful artists, we are not as in love with change as the UK is.

What does the future hold for print design and film photography?

Hopefully, books and film photography won´t disappear. Probably they won’t be as popular, but as we evolve through a digital world, all the analogical systems will be more appreciated and seen as luxury objects.

What’s next for you?

There are always new things for Laura. I get bored easily. In the near future I would love to work in any art institution, developing activities that can get the viewer closer to art. I love art and how art makes me feel, and I would like that more people could experience this interaction, starting with children. I would love to get people more creative with their daily lives. I think it’s something everyone can enjoy, and it can make your life happier.

See more of Laura’s work at

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