Toot toot

Bangkok’s Khoa San Road is a magnet for travellers, which in turn sucks in the global brands and local entrepreneurs. The typography and colours of these businesses’ signs along this strip all have to compete with each other for the backpackers’ baht. We’re not sure there’s a winner, but Koh Tao Information Center might want to rethink things…
Yella was: Drinking Cola Light; picking up visas to Cambodia; playing pool; figuring out the correct way to put on fishermen’s trousers. Have you tried to put on fishermen’s trousers? Yella purchased a few of these flappy slacks for friends back in England, with one being a little offended that we thought their waist was that wide. But that was our uniform then and now we have to wrap up against the strong breeze and inconsistent drizzle – our uniform is more denim-and-layers comfort rather than wrap-around pantaloons. Shame.

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